

These standard terms of service apply to all services offered on display on all our marketing platforms; to make bookings for our services – you agree to these terms & conditions.


About us

Welcome Travel (Pty) Ltd is a registered local Tour Operator officially registered:
REGISTRATION: B8426061 | LICENSE: 306074 | TIN: 171399537

Office in Seychelles - Physical Address:
Highway Point Building | Providence | Mahe | Seychelles

Seychelles - Postal Address:
P.O Box A63 | R & M Services | Unity House | Palm Street | Victoria | Mahe | Seychelles

Office in the UAE – Physical & Postal Address:
P.O Box 252203 | Accelerator Building | FD Ground Floor | Masdar City | Abu Dhabi | UAE

Definitions & Interpretations
‘Welcome Travel’ refers to Welcome Travel (Pty) Ltd in the following terms and conditions, any reference to ‘us’ ‘we’ or ‘our’ shall be construed to mean ‘Welcome Travel’.

‘Agent’ refers to Welcome Travel employees.

‘Services’ refers to the services offered by us on this website and through other mediums connected to this website such as applications and accessed/booked via telephone, email or any of our social media or advertising platforms.

‘Special Requirements’ refers to any special needs that you may have as a client. This includes any special dietary needs, any pre-existing medical conditions that are relevant to disclose, as well as the need for any services to facilitate access to vehicles or transportation services for anyone who is differently abled.

The following terms refer to ‘Age’ of clients at the time of entering Seychelles Adult & Adolescent quote as ‘ADLT’ refers to person age 13years and older Children quote as ‘CHD’ refers to minor age between 3 and 12years old Infant/Baby quote as ‘INF’ refers to minor age under 3years old.

Confirming your Booking
Confirmation of bookings will be subject to conditions provided in each package or service offered. Full details are provided for each package or service.

Pricing Policy
Welcome Travel reserves the right to make changes in its quote fares and fees as and when conditions requires it. We will provide you with a quotation for services booked and/or requested at the earliest opportunity. All prices quoted on our website maybe subject to change depending on the services requested and we will inform you as soon as possible of any variance in the website quoted prices and the prices that will suit your specifications. We will inform you at the earliest of any increase in price before confirmation of your booking. Welcome Travel is not obliged to provide you with a breakdown of costs and/or pricing for packages on offer.

Payment & Charge Policy
Payment for bookings maybe done on-line, in full or in part negotiable (as per invoiced amount), via our secure on-line payment platform using credit or debit card or via bank transfer in all the world major currencies such as EUR, USD, GBP…etc (kindly check with one of our agents before initiating payment) All charges for additional services requested gradually will bear over-charges above the invoice amount therefore it will be borne by the client. Settlement of these over-charges must be done immediately or under a guaranteed secured arrangement before resumption or completion of booking services. Where part payment is made, we are not responsible for any changes/fluctuations in exchange rates which may result in an increase in the outstanding amount yet to be settled. Upon arrival and during your stay in Seychelles, all outstanding or new payments must be paid via card or cash. Any kind of payment must be settled at least 48hours prior to arrival in Seychelles Some services such as Accommodations must be settled a long way back before arrival, please refer to one of our agents for more information.

Cancellation Policy
You may cancel any pre-bookings before confirmation at any time because these bookings are not secured and can be re-sold at any time We reserve the right to levy charges on cancellation as per service providers policies, this includes accommodations and meal plan, booked excursions and tours from third parties, transfers, self￾drive services and any other booked reservation of services; clients will be informed in details during these instances For transfers and tours that are offered directly by Welcome Travel; 100% cancellation fee will be charged 24hours or less prior to the starting time of the booking service(s) / 50% between 24hours to 48hours. Welcome Travel reserves the right to cancel your booking under reasonable circumstances; such may happen in the event of a force majeure which will influence a cancellation or for any other event beyond our control, these actions are taken in the best interest of guests propelling safety & comfort. Where we cancel your booking due a major disaster known as ab ACT IF GOD or a FORCE MAJEURE; we shall inform you the soonest we are able and initiate necessary refund procedure. Refund can be effected up to 48hours after the booking date / it is done in full amount however in some situations Welcome Travel may retain an administrative fee because it have invested time and administrative costs prior to the service (our agents will communicate details with you in each situation)

Privacy Policy
In making bookings for our services, you will have to provide us with particular information about yourself. All information provided by yourself to us in the course of bookings will remain protected and treated with confidentiality. We will not share your data or contact information with any third parties unless we have your explicit permission and/or the fulfillment of providing the required service necessitates that we share your information to our partner service providers. All our partners have also declare the act of privacy and confidentiality. While we gather personal information through any means such as a questionnaire; you may choose to withhold any part of it however we hold ourselves indemnified if information withheld affect the outcome of the services.

Travel Insurance & Disclosure
It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the appropriate insurance to cover all your travels. When travelling with minors, it is your responsibility to ensure that they also have the appropriate policy to cover their travels. It is your responsibility to disclose at the appropriate time the need for any special services and the existence of any relevant pre-existing medical conditions that may affect your travels and use of services.

Travel Documentation & Visas
We are not responsible for the safeguarding of any travel documentation such as passports, ID’s and visas, such items are your own personal responsibility and you should take appropriate steps to safeguard them at all times during your travels. If any leg of your journey requires visas, then it is your responsibility to ensure that you have the correct visa and/or entry permits.

Smoking Policy
Welcome Travel operates a smoke-free policy within all its premises which includes offices & vehicles; therefore it is forbidden to smoke in these instances. If the same no-smoking policy is in place in areas that we do not immediately control, then Welcome Travel and its clients will also abide by such rules.

Complaints or Proposals
Should you have any complaints or proposals regarding our services, do not hesitate to contact our offices or agents; we are on reach through contact details provided on all our print documents and on-line pages. You may also write to us through a feedback of your experience on any of our social media platforms. Where you are using a partner service booked through us and you have any complaints, ensure to let the partner service provider know as soon as possible of any grievance(s) / you can let us know about the issue and what have been agreed or how it have resolved. Any legal dispute that has not resolved at this level then it will be negotiated, settled & resolved before a court of Seychelles.

Website Availability
Welcome Travel will endeavour to maintain a website that is up-to-date and fully functional to the best of its abilities. However there maybe events that are beyond our technical control and cannot guarantee full availability or operation of our website; in these instances we will strive to release information and progress report earliest possible

Personal Refund
While you carry funds (cash or card) around during your holiday; ensure these are tucked away safely and safeguard throughout, Welcome Travel indemnify itself against any loss or misplace and will not be held responsible or liable for any claims there-of

Third Party General Terms & Conditions
While we have set out our own Terms & Conditions and expect our customers to be friendly with it; we cannot guarantee that third party general terms & conditions are always in exact terms with ours. In this case we will endeavour to inform customers and not necessarily resolve the matter definitely; during such instances you will interact directly with service providers and will assist mediation where possible.

Changes to these Terms & Conditions
We reserve the right to make changes to these Terms & Conditions as and when required. Welcome Travel will endeavour to ensure that its website information remains accurate and as up￾to-date as possible. Where there are any changes to these terms & conditions, we shall ensure that this is updated immediately on our website as well but we do not guarantee that latest updated information would have disseminated to you right away.

General Information
This procedure is referred as The General Terms & Conditions for Welcome Travel It will also be referred as WT/GTC

1st June 2022

Seychelles Welcome Travel, 1st Floor, Room 20 Highway Point Building Providence, Mahe, Seychelles
